Study: More Crime in Areas with Airbnb Rentals
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Study: More Crime in Areas with Airbnb Rentals

Explosive increase in Airbnb listings. And in crimes.

December 20, 2024

Travelers who prefer to stay in an Airbnb might want to take a look at a recent study: According to it, areas with Airbnb rentals have higher rates of crime.


The reason for the study is the explosive increase in Airbnb listings over the past ten years: Researchers from the universities of Cambridge and Pennsylvania have therefore examined a possible connection between Airbnb rentals and crime rates in the vicinity of the accommodations used in this way.

The study can now be read in the journal "Criminology," and according to it, areas with Airbnb rentals have higher rates of crime.


As a basis, one of the most important Airbnb markets in the world was chosen: London. More specifically, around 4,800 neighborhoods in the British capital. During the survey period between 2015 and 2018, approximately 4.5 million guests rented short-term accommodations through the platform.

The analysis of criminal offenses in the vicinity of Airbnbs was conducted using a specifically scientifically recognized statistical model: "We investigate the mechanisms for the observed effects by using several lag specifications," said the researchers – "Lag" refers to temporal delays – "and break down the rentals into whole properties and free rooms."


The study ultimately found that Airbnb rentals had a facilitating influence on crimes such as robberies, break-ins, theft, and violence in the neighborhoods examined. Specifically, a 10 percent increase in the crime rate was determined for active rentals.

The correlation was particularly evident in areas where entire buildings or whole properties are rented out via Airbnb, not just individual apartments or flats. However, it is mainly the residents and neighbors of those neighborhoods who are affected by the observed crimes, rather than the providers of the Airbnb accommodations.

Researchers cited opportunity mechanisms as the reason for the increase in crime: changing visitor traffic simply creates more opportunities for thefts and robberies. Therefore, the results can also be applied to other cities.