TRAVEL M - Discover the world - travel-news

Now officially: Here it is clear
All snorkeling fans long for clear, clean coastal waters. But where is it the cleanest?

Lonely Planet has announced the top travel destinations for 2025.
Eagerly awaited every year: The list of the top travel destinations for 2025 by the renowned travel guide Lonely Planet.

The best ski resort in the world
Where is the best place to ski down snow-white slopes and have the best skiing holiday?

Please Pay - Mass Tourism Should Pay
Mass tourism has already caused tourists in Venice to have to pay an entrance fee.

Study: More Crime in Areas with Airbnb Rentals
Travelers who prefer to stay in an Airbnb might want to take a look at a recent study.

Awards - Train Stations of the Year 2024 in Germany
In Germany, people often complain about the train system, but there are also great train stations along with excellent staff.

Not a boring holiday model
The classic package tour is considered a dull holiday model with beach vacations and all-inclusive paradises, including hotel and flight.

No more nudity at the Somin-sai Festival
In Japan, a tradition comes to an end as the famous and popular "Festival of the Naked" men took place for the last time this year.

More speed while surfing at sea
Even on the high seas, one wants to surf the Internet. However, for a long time, it was slow and expensive while cruising.

Key West in "Pride Month" Fever
Worldwide, "Pride Month" is celebrated in June, and in Florida, people are already looking forward to the month.
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